The World At War


[Picture 1: The World at War is a place of poverty.]

War is destructive. Love is constructive. War is a vicious circle, resulting in disastrous implications on Mother Earth. It could never yield any better ends for humanity. It possesses the power to only bring forth more and more engraving hatred, pain and irreversible loss to the human race.

Earth is a flat disc. We, humans, live on the thinner most surface of the earth called crust. We cannot go inside the earth , since, any attempt to do so would lead to our own destruction. The temperature is unbelievably high inside the core of the earth. It is non- conducive to life.

When nuclear bombs are thrown around like water balloons on the solid terrestrial land of the earth. Mother nature cries the tears of agony. Consequently, we get to encounter it's disastrous after effects in the form of natural calamities. It simply reflects the Deterministic Doctrine of Karma : "Our present life is pre-decided or is a straightforward consequence of our past actions."

We all are mortal beings. In totality, we are mere souls fabricated in the mortal frame. What a pity it is to admit the fact that ; how the leaders in power and authority are trapped in one of the two ways of "Bad Faith" (a theory of existentialism, given by Jean Paul Sartre in his famous work, ‘Being and Nothingness').

Sartre proposes that "Man is condemned to be free." Whether man makes a very specific choice or makes a choice not to choose at all and sit back in despair. In either case, each move counts as a choice only which he freely picks up, given the circumstances, whatsoever may be.

First category speaks of how a being assumes the roles assigned to him/her so earnestly, such that , they forget their freedom of choice and real being. Second category speaks of the ways a being willingly tries to deceive its essence in the pursuit of fulfilling its goal. Today's contemporary world leaders belongs to the former category.

"Vasudaiva Kutumbhakam" is a Vedantic dictum found in the chapter sixth of Maha Upanishad. It implies that the world is one large extended family. However, sadly, these so called 21st century leaders needs to reflect back on their roots. They need to reflect on the fact that this Divine Universe is rooted deeply in the spirit of Oneness and Unity. Mere division is not it's principle formula. Each of its atomic elements functions through a mutual pre- established harmony.

To solely meet their greed in the pursuit of becoming a super power, they just cannot invade other nation, ruin it's heritage and land and leave it's natives traumatized. Gandhiji has very rightly said that " Earth has enough for man's needs, but not for man's greed." Yet, the political philosophy of these leaders force the unholy to happen sooner or later ; when some natives fail to survive the war while others escape and spend their entire lives being called refugees. Struggle and uncertainty becomes their only ground for survival.


[Picture 2 : Pictorial Depiction of the topic.]

Nations standing in support of warfare and complying to lend weapons and other explosives are worsening the whole situation with the passage of time. They are pouring fuel on the ignited flame, encouraging destructive ends to meet the human race. It seems as if their minds have given up all morality in the world.

The thematic line of divisions on maps are all human- made. We might be divided by the boundaries as countries, however, towards the end, this entire Universe is our home.

Hatred/ Strife would always lead to destruction alone while attracting more and more hatred. It is similar to the computer malware called WORM (Write Once Read Many), which independently exists for itself and by itself.

LOVE is the only way to live as a united whole. There is no greater miracle than Love, Compassion, Empathy and Equanimity towards 'Mother Earth' , the 'Other' and towards 'Ourselves'. Lastly, these four moral teachings suffice to be the secret weapon towards the long term sustenance of human life on this Divine Universe.

"Love is the only way out there to culminate hatred/strife straightforwardly from its roots."

[ THEME: Based on the current happenings between Ukraine and Russia while stressing upon the tensions , both natural and man - made, taking place in other parts of the world. ]


      [Picture 3 : A duck symbolizes laughter, happiness and peace.]

-Written By | Photography By | Pictorial Depiction By :

Varsha Rout


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