
Showing posts from May, 2023

🌱 Why is Failure a Matter of Glory? 🌈

  Do you fear losing out in the middle of a game? Then, just DO NOT. Because failure is the gateway towards one's growth and optimum self- development.  "Without pain, there is no gain." Failure(s) is /are not a matter of shame. They are the building blocks of one's true essence.  Einstein's popular quote says that "if you are failing, it implies that you are trying to accomplish something, but if you are not failing at all, it implies that you are doing nothing at all." Sitting idle and wondering cluelessly won't possibly take you anywhere. Do not ever let mental states like overthinking, anxiety and fear engulf up your true potential and capabilities. Remember, you always have a freedom of choice, a free will to choose one among the infinite possibilities.  To sit back at the corner, to escape from circumstances, and to get easily laid down by people, will take you far away from the wonders you could have given life to. It will push you closer tow

πŸ’‘Top Ten Methods to make Learning Effective :

   πŸ’« Logical Atomism : Analysis of atomic particles ; From Part to Whole.  πŸ’« Gestalt Psychology : From Whole to Part. πŸ’« Inductive Logic and Innovation / Qualitative Approach : From Particular to Universal . πŸ’« Deductive Logic / Quantitative Approach : From Universal to Particular. πŸ’« Pragmatism : Practical Applicability.  πŸ’« Phenomenology and Interpretivism : Supposition-less Observations and Conscious Interpretation.  πŸ’« Our Failures and Mistakes : Freedom of Choice and Infinite Possibilities. πŸ’« Existentialism : Investigation of Being, Time , Becoming , Essence and Existence.  πŸ’« Constructivism : Rationalism + Empiricism. πŸ’« Cosmology : Inquiry into the underlying notions of the Divine Universe.  'The better we learn, the smarter we become.' ~Varsha Rout

Why is 21st Century Work Culture Super Challenging?

  Very often, our talent and academic excellence fails to yield what we truly deserve. Amidst rising competition, the goal has to shift from ' rushing over immediate job openings ' to 'looking out for a good working environment'.  Application of the reverse leads to disappointments, failures and unwanted stress. This takes us far away from our intended career goals.  Given the fact that so many startups are opening up every now and then. But do these new bee companies guarantee a supportive work environment?  Of Course hardly a few. Time is changing super fast , right! And we need to build up our strategies smartly. A good working environment offers a great work ethic. It protects an employee's individuality, thereby encouraging concepts like cooperation, learning on the job, collaboration, safety, credibility and equanimity.  A healthy workplace undermines the very concept of 'master - slave' relationship. Rather treats both parties fairly. It promotes empa

The World At War

                        [Picture 1: The World at War is a place of poverty.] War is destructive. Love is constructive. War is a vicious circle, resulting in disastrous implications on Mother Earth. It could never yield any better ends for humanity. It possesses the power to only bring forth more and more engraving hatred, pain and irreversible loss to the human race. Earth is a flat disc. We, humans, live on the thinner most surface of the earth called crust. We cannot go inside the earth , since, any attempt to do so would lead to our own destruction. The temperature is unbelievably high inside the core of the earth. It is non- conducive to life. When nuclear bombs are thrown around like water balloons on the solid terrestrial land of the earth. Mother nature cries the tears of agony. Consequently, we get to encounter it's disastrous after effects in the form of natural calamities. It simply reflects the Deterministic Doctrine of Karma : "Our present life is pre-decided or i