Be Unapologetic.Be the Power.


          Picture : Be Unapologetic.Be the Power.

We live in an entirely illusive and a treacherous world, where we easily get intimidated or, moved by things, people and the so called "reel(istic) " lifestyle we encounter on social media. Here, the matter of concern is "absolute". We think this is Cool, however, this is Ugly in actuality. Because probably one would wake up one day, look in the mirror and question their own Identity, Existence and Self-worth. The melancholy is ingrown as we rush to fit into these pre-designed blinding artificial frames without even stressing a bit to discover our own real selves. 

Yeah! It's much easier, fortunate and mostly rewarding to run towards the main door, unlock it and set your soul break free . MAGIC resides inside YOU. STOP chasing it in OTHERS. You Owe ZERO APOLOGY for being or, becoming the "ORIGINAL YOU". You are the only ONE SINGLE UNIQUE Version of Yourself and Remember, this is your Most Powerful Weapon Ever. 

Be 'You'. Be Unapologetic. Be The Power. 

Love. Peace. 

Abstract Art & Written By : Varsha Rout 




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