Gender Equality : A Practical Overview

Gender Equality is nothing new as a discourse or, a subject of matter , which one may try to reflect upon or enquire about. It clearly emerges from the very fact that ''there has been gender discrimination over almost all the periods of human existence''. So, gender equality is an attempt to dispose off these  gender discriminations, which have been created and devised by our so called patriarchal society.

While stressing upon this issue, one needs to be quite clear that the biological differences and cultural differences are two distinct things; ''sex'' refers to the biological difference between males and females such as difference in their reproductive organs or chromosomes and so on and ''gender'' refers to the cultural differences between men and women in accordance with their ''sex''. So, one need not confuse the two.

Picture 1. Say ''NO'' to Gender Inequality.

Further, gender discrimination happens at both levels, be it at the level of a woman or a man. For instance; a woman getting a scholarship to study abroad , would hesitate to even think of travelling beyond the boundaries of her country as her parents may restrict her from doing so just because she is a ''girl''. But when it would come to her brother, parents would easily allow him just because he is a ''boy''. Even at the workplace, women are paid less than the men despite of them carrying out the same amount and quality of work. Sometimes , some companies do not hire a married woman because she could attract liability at a higher possibility towards the company. Companies , out of their misconception and thoughts underlying misogyny , fear that a married woman may get pregnant soon and thereafter, ask for pregnancy leave, which may cost the company a higher price. Other times, it becomes difficult for a girl to even ask for permission for a college or a school trip , however, the case is not the same for a boy. It comes as a preconceived big ''yes'' in case of a boy as if they are just supposed to ''inform'' rather than ''ask for a polite permission'' to their parents. So. such kind of attitude of our parents or at the job level is also absolutely driven by patriarchy, which is utterly self- harming and is wrong , on all possible grounds.

Another instance could be ; it happens not only in the case of women  as such, but also in case of men because men are not expected to share or show their emotions out freely , no matter even if they are going from something bad in their life, which often leads them to commit suicide. But for a woman, it is presupposed that ''she is an emotional , a weak and an irrational being''. This patriarchal mindset has itself created a biased understanding that men are expected to be rational, independent and autonomous beings whereas women are expected to be emotional, dependent and non- autonomous beings. This solely makes both of these genders much vulnerable whereby they develop a kind of extreme fear to express themselves fully on various grounds such as , economic ground, social ground, political ground or even psychological ground. One may believe that empowerment may help overcome these vulnerabilities but it is a wrong notion as even after becoming completely empowered , one may still be vulnerable and that vulnerability may lead to others vulnerabilities as well.

Picture 2. All Lives Matter.

So, gender equality is not about making women more powerful than men or just simply letting women have the rights in equality with men. Rather it is about helping both the genders transform and become empowered equally enough so that they can make their decisions on a legitimate basis. One need not be judged or, characterized by their gender but by their rationality, compassion and decision making power, despite of one's gender. One may confuse that providing reservation of the first coach in the metro is a gender equality, but ''no'' it is not because how can the whole population of women adjust within that one single coach. Simply, carrying out debates on gender equality is not going to help either in any possible way. It can only happen when this whole set of patriarchal mindset is completely given up, only then gender equality can be achieved in its truest sense.

Quintessentially, gender equality can never be achieved , if the remaining ''exceptional genders'' such as transgenders, agender, non-binary, pan-binary, third gender and gender neutral faces an exclusion from the social environment. Their inclusion into the social environment is equally  of great significance and glory as the inclusion of two common gender identities typically male and female is. As a society ,we all have had come across various generative atrocities that has been encountered by the remaining ''exceptional genders'', which stands to be completely unacceptable and anti-social. For all these times, it is none but only ''we'', who stands to be accountable for the harm that has been done to them, each time we, as a society , have failed to raise our voices in favor of them, we, as a society , have failed to protect them, and we , as a society, have sidelined their issues as minor or, less significant for due consideration. 

Picture 3. Fight for LGBTQ.

I have very intentionally and on a collective ground called transgenders, agender, non-binary, pan-gender, third gender and gender neutral as ''exceptional genders'' because they are rightly and equally capable of working out things which the normalized gender identities are capable of . They do not deserve to face any kind of exclusions from any of the basic human rights, share, shelter and other amenities. In order to ensure and mark their inclusion into the social environment ,we , the people, at large should begin practicing ''acceptance'', backed up by the very notions of ''love'' and ''compassion'', Here, the implication of the term ''acceptance'' is not tolerance rather it is only  the ''art of accepting people solely as humans ,irrespective of their gender ,race, community, religion, faith, belief systems, customs, color and the place of origin''.

It is not tolerance because , on a broader picture , it implies being sympathetic to the other or, constraining one from harming others with the presupposition that violence can flare up at any given point of time , if triggered. Whereas acceptance is pure in nature as it implies pure acceptance without any such presuppositions in one's mind. For example, suppose there are three groups which are as follows:

1.Group A  (superior one)

2.Group B ( inferior one)

3. Group C ( intolerant one)

If Group A ''tolerates'' Group B , then things might seem normal from few to little moments unless Group C , the intolerant group, interrupts and provokes violence against Group B. On the other hand, if Group A naturally ''accepts'' Group B on the basis of ''love'' and ''compassion'', then the interruption of Group C could not be a successful affair.

Further more , few might argue that ''tolerance'' itself is a kind of acceptance of other groups or, class or, ethnicity altogether , however, , if one looks into the deeper pursuit of the very difference between ''tolerance'' and ''acceptance'', then only one will become rightly able to categorize and unfold things in  amore wider and clearer picture. Moreover, naming and conventions does not add any new value to things, however, gender equality can also be denoted as ''gender equanimity'' , which calls for ''balance'', ''unitedness'' and ''one peace'' among various genders existing in our social environment. Gender equanimity is a co-extensive as well as a co-existent principle. It is co-extensive principle because it calls for extension and expansion of the gender identities , covering up heterogenic gender identities under one unifying umbrella. It is a co-existent principle because it states that the human race should exist altogether with one another following the pathways of love and peace. The application of gender equanimity ,both theoretical and practical could ensure rapid reduction of gender related issues as compared to ''gender equality''. It is so because gender equality calls only for equal basis , equal rights and all sorts of equality on all grounds of existence whereas ''gender equanimity'' not only tends to cover gender equality but also calls for the development of unity. cooperation and peace.

Picture 4. Follow One Peace and One Love.

With all the things as has been discussed above vastly, we have duly come closer to the end.  At the end of my paper, I would like to draw the attention of my readers towards a literal anticipatory thought that the very issue of gender discrimination and gender inequality is not something to be read upon and enclosed within the boundaries of a prescribed textbook under certain academic curriculum. Rather the solution of this issue can be rightly achieved if and only if it is looked upon practically and right actions are taken into consideration collectively by the human race as a whole. 

Written By:

Varsha Rout


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