The Deformity Of Time

It has always been believed, said and accepted that if there is anything more valuable in life, then it is only ''Time''. If once it is gone, it will never reflect back on the things and situations we have had missed upon. For this sole reason, time has always been called as the ''Continuum of Perfection'' or, ''The Perfect Teacher''. Everyone around seems to be very convinced about the fact that time is the absolute and definite non-spatial continuum   , which teaches man some very significant lessons about life. These lessons, if not taught, then man would be  unable to understand the actual aspect of life.

However, unfortunately the record of my experiences refrains me from accepting all these views as has been propagated with regard to time. No doubt like others even I was taught about the importance of time in my childhood. But as I grew up and came in contact with the real world , I realized that the things that had been taught to me were falsifying in some or the other way. They were not certainly evident as they were supposed to be.

 Figure 1. Non-spatial Continuum.
Eventually, I became determined that time has never been a continuum of perfection instead it is a ''Continuum of Imperfection'' or, ''The Imperfect Teacher'', which teaches us to be a perfect being. If time would have been perfect, then it would have began, paused and stopped obeying to all of our instructions. We would have been able to stop it for a while and get a ride through all our past events as and when we want but this is not the case. 

For instance; when someone meets their loved ones, then time acts cruelly and passes away in a blink! and when someone stays far away from their loved ones , every minute appears to feel like a year without rain. Every morning , each one of us rushes to reach our college or, work place at within a stipulated time frame. Here, in both of the above cases, time is not acting as per a person's expectations  and preferences rather it is acting oppositely. 

  Figure 2. Work desk of a full-time author.
If it would have acted adhering to our terms and conditions, then it would have been called absolutely perfect. So, it is the imperfection of time which makes us a better or a perfect 'being' to some extent. Thus, these are the very reasons for which my experiences have termed ''Time'' as an ''Imperfect Teacher'' , ''A Continuum of Imperfection''.

Written By :
Varsha Rout


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