
'Fear and Doubt' : The Best Teachers Ever.

πŸ’πŸ»‍♀️Every time, we open social media, we come across people sharing and celebrating their achievements and accomplishments. However, is life all about golds, pearls and diamonds? Ofcourse! Not. There is so much more to life (the not-so colorful part of it). It is very seldom to see people voicing out about their struggles or their pain points, quite openly. The entire hook is; ‘Celebrating our Highs is as Significant as Embracing our Lows’.  Life is not solely about just one static phase or moment. Rather life is a streamline of moments just like a river, flowing on and off perpetually. It is dynamic in nature and is always moving towards a certain kind of 'change'. Just by observing our mother nature, one could possibly realize and understand the 'how'.   We must learn to cherish our lows because they represent and shape our overall journey towards our goals. They build us to think and act more like a well-rounded person. They make us a little wiser. They teach us t


  It's better to think radically. However, it's much better to act responsibly. A popular dictum proposed by Rene Descartes (father of Modern Western Philosophy), asserts, "Cogito Ergo Sum" (I think, therefore, I am). Here, 'thinking' precedes 'existence'. To become able enough to think, to imagine, to introspect, and to retrospect, is highly significant for a better living.  If not for a better living, then might be for developing better decision-making abilities. If not for better decision-making abilities, then might be for cultivating the habit of exploring infinite possibilities of our world or say, human existence.  However, periodically, all our thinking becomes futile. This happens, when we do it too often, without taking into account the requisite measures. This is when we become rigid towards new scopes or paradigm shifts in life. So, this very phenomenon is, what is summed up as 'overthinking'. Of course, there could be 'n' n

What is Productivity?

  Productivity is often interpreted as working for long hours and generating outcomes merely in quantitative terms. However, the case is exactly the opposite. πŸ™…πŸ»‍♀️ If ever asked, I would rather define 'Productivity' these Seven ways:  🧢 Productivity is more about quality but not quantity. 🧢 Productivity is more about working less but not anything short of effectiveness. 🧢 Productivity is more about smart work but not hard work.  🧢 Productivity is more about the process but not the outcome.  🧢 Productivity is more about problem-solving but not inviting in further complexities.  🧢 Productivity is more about transcending our limits but not putting a full stop to our cognitive abilities. 🧢 Productivity is more about progression but not regression.  Productivity is nothing but the moments of time we are truly dedicated to our work. It is the time we show utmost honesty to our work. It is a positive correlation in the ratio of 1:1, which exists between us and our work.  The

Cast these Sixteen Magical Spells to Change your Life :

  Abracadabra!!!🎩πŸͺ„ πŸ‚ Say 'NO' to Overthinking. πŸ‚ Focus more on the process, not the outcome. πŸ‚ Trust your hard work. πŸ‚ Employ Consistency. πŸ‚ Acknowledge, accept and learn from your failures. πŸ‚ Stay calm and collective in times of victory. πŸ‚ Always show gratitude (to the Overseer and the Universe) for the little things you have. πŸ‚ Widen your scope for improvements. πŸ‚ Keep the sense of wonder alive. πŸ‚ Love yourself, no matter what.  πŸ‚ Never judge others since you never know where they come from. πŸ‚ Don't plan too much for the future, work in the present 'now'.  πŸ‚ Don't forget, you are unique and only one of your own kind.  πŸ‚ Say 'NO' to Competition, try to break your own (past) records. πŸ‚ Practice Empathy, not Sympathy.  πŸ‚ Follow Equanimity, no matter what comes your way.  Cast these little magical spells one after another, if you really wish to become an impact maker. Great things never happen overnight. You could always begin slowly just

🌻What kind of Career Breaks are Worth your While?

There can be 'n' number of reasons behind a particular career break. Different kinds of career breaks may vary from person to person based upon their respective circumstances. A career break is not at all a bad decision. This is a great opportunity indeed to learn and grow. And what matters the most is the very reason behind. Taking a break is as important as working towards one's intended career goals.  Bigger things take time. It's awesome to pursue them. Never believe if anyone tells you otherwise.  Career Breaks that are Worth your Time and Effort ; πŸ’š Taking care of your Mental Well-being : Mental health is no joke. πŸ’š Preparing for a Competitive Exam : If your interest and motivation are purely intrinsic, not extrinsic.  πŸ’š Learning a New Skill : If it 120% guarantees you a job after its completion. πŸ’š Recovering from an Unprecedented Past Incident : You could narrate your own heroic story, once you are ready to get back. πŸ’š Switching from one Job to another

Your Surroundings Do Matter A Lot

  Not expressing everything you know is also a part of wisdom. Sometimes you have to wait for the right stage and the right audience that would truly acknowledge your talent. This is why having the right platform becomes a major thing in life.  Always remind yourself these Five Chief Keystrokes ; 🍁 Be there, where your voice is heard. 🍁 Be there, where your words are welcomed. 🍁 Be there, where your contributions are appreciated. 🍁 Be there, where your work is valued. 🍁 Be there, where your presence is celebrated.  Because your Surroundings do Matter a Lot more than your Talent does. ~Varsha Rout 

🌱 Why is Failure a Matter of Glory? 🌈

  Do you fear losing out in the middle of a game? Then, just DO NOT. Because failure is the gateway towards one's growth and optimum self- development.  "Without pain, there is no gain." Failure(s) is /are not a matter of shame. They are the building blocks of one's true essence.  Einstein's popular quote says that "if you are failing, it implies that you are trying to accomplish something, but if you are not failing at all, it implies that you are doing nothing at all." Sitting idle and wondering cluelessly won't possibly take you anywhere. Do not ever let mental states like overthinking, anxiety and fear engulf up your true potential and capabilities. Remember, you always have a freedom of choice, a free will to choose one among the infinite possibilities.  To sit back at the corner, to escape from circumstances, and to get easily laid down by people, will take you far away from the wonders you could have given life to. It will push you closer tow